Time inevitably passes and now the man retires, becomes a grandfather, takes care of his grandchildren. . . Does this mean that you can already end your personal life? Even 60-100 years ago, this question could be answered unequivocally - yes. However, medicine does not stand still, and modern man is aging much more slowly than his ancestors.
Sex life after 60 years: features
Men over 60 should not neglect sexual intimacy and be afraid of it. At this age, the nature of the relationship with the second half changes somewhat. Passion and youthful aroma are replaced by a careful and attentive attitude towards the spouse, sex life becomes measured and coordinated, but it must be regular.

However, by the age of 60, the body is visiblereduces the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, without which a full erection is impossible. A decrease in testosterone in a man's blood occurs after 35-40 years, and by adulthood, it is halved, however, despite this, attraction to the opposite sex remains at a high level.
It is unrealistic to avoid erectile dysfunction with age, but it is quite possible to delay it. And here there is no need to change anything drastically, on the contrary, it is important to maintain the usual way of life, including in sexual relations. Do not tire yourself, do not have sex too actively, trying to prove to yourself and your partner that you are still capable of a lot. Walk more often in the fresh air, but not in the way of the elderly, but combining walking with active physical activity.
Why does erectile function decrease?
Power reduction can occur under the influence of the following factors:
- smoking. Nicotine negatively affects blood circulation throughout the body, including the pelvic organs, as well as the scrotum. A man's sexual function also suffers from this.
- Alcoholism. Men suffering from this disease face the problem of reduced potency much earlier than they reach retirement age.
- dope. Marijuana has a particularly strong negative effect on sexual function.
- Deterioration of potency occurs in men who have kidney problems and suffer fromurinary tract pathologies.
- A sedentary lifestyle. Nature has established the constant movement of a person, and a long stay in one position leads to a violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- The psychological factor. Continuous stressful situations negatively affect the state of the hormonal background. Frequent nervous breakdowns suppress sexual desire.
- Chronic fatigue and sleepiness. Chronic lack of sleep reduces testosterone production.
- Male erectile function is negatively affectedcomplications of sexually transmitted diseasesand transferred pathologies of the genital organs.
- Cardiovascular and endocrine system disorders. Blood circulation in the body depends on the proper functioning of the heart muscle, and therefore any violation and malfunction of the heart leads to a decrease in blood flow to the genital area. Problems with erectile function can also arise due to disruption of the endocrine glands.
- Unbalanced diet and metabolic disorders. Excess body weight and diabetes lead to erectile problems. Monotonous food, as well as the lack of the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, contribute to the breakdown of the entire male body, including the genital area.

The right food to increase strength
The normal functioning of the male reproductive system depends on many factors, including proper diet. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex after 60 years should pay special attention to this issue.
First of all, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of foods high in cholesterol, since itnegatively affects the state of the cardiovascular systemwhich in turn causes problems with erection. When compiling the right diet, you must adhere to the following principles:
- Be sure to include whole grains, vegetable oils, poultry, low-fat dairy products, lean beef and fish, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods rich in salt, as this can provoke an increase in blood pressure. The amount of salt consumed should not exceed 5-6 grams per day.
- If at the age of 60 there is a weakening of erectile function, experts recommend including more seafood, onions, garlic, pomegranate and bananas in your diet.
- Eating foods high in cholesterol should be strictly limited, but you should not completely abandon these foods. Especially a lot of cholesterol is found in kidneys, liver and fatty meat, as well as lard and fish. Sausage, butter, yogurt, cream and chicken eggs can be present in the diet, but in limited quantities.
- It should be noted that foods containing magnesium and calcium have a beneficial effect on heart function. Therefore, to saturate the body with these trace elements, it is recommended to eat zucchini, eggplant, new potatoes, grapes and bananas.
- Include in the diet freshly squeezed juices, herbal or green tea, replacing sweet soda, strong tea and coffee with these drinks.
- Alcohol is allowed, but in small quantities. It is better to refuse strong alcoholic drinks altogether.

The restoration of male power after 60 years is facilitated not only by proper diet and diet, but also by gentle physical activity.
How to restore potency through physical activity?

To keep themselves in excellent physical shape, men over 60 should do sports, but only in a moderate way, with constant monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure. When choosing exercises, one should take into account the fact that by the age of 60 a man, as a rule, is already burdened with chronic diseases and more than one, and this affects the determination of the intensity of physical activity.
Moderate but regular physical training helps lower blood cholesterol and increase strength. Heavy sports activities at this age are best avoided. You should not engage in intense running, and you should also exclude strength training in simulators.
After 60 years, it will be useful for a man to do morning exercises, walking, swimming and yoga.
Exercises to restore strength after 60 years
Can a man's erectile function be improved by exercise? As practice shows, this is quite true. Among many different types of exercises aimed at increasing strength, experts distinguish the following exercises that are suitable for men of mature age:
- Exercises for pelvic muscles. Such classes are universal and suitable for both men and women. To perform the exercise, men must stop the process of urination while visiting the toilet and then tense and then relax the muscles forcefully. Repeat 30-50 times in one movement. Exercise should be done no more than three times a day.
- Aerobic training. Contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, which positively affects not only the erection, but also its maintenance. Blood flow to the lungs and heart helps improve erectile function.
- Kundalini Yoga. Such exercises help improve muscle function and increase sexual desire.
Before determining the complex of sports exercises, as well as the intensity of physical activity, you should seek the advice of your doctor.
Medical power restoration
Treatment of sexual disorders should be comprehensive. To restore strength, men are prescribed drugs that improve the output of secretions from the prostate gland, as well as affect blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the genital area. In addition, it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins, plant substances and minerals.
Of course, patients need such auxiliary drugs that would ensure the onset of an erection at the right time. For example, these can bepharmacological agents containing an active substance that promotes the expansion of cavernous bodies and an increase in blood flow to the genitals.
There are several types of tablets that contain this substance. The most popular and sought-after drug is a highly effective drug. The action of the drug begins 15-25 minutes after ingestion and lasts 5-6 hours. The recommended dose is 10 mg/day, however, men over 60 should reduce this to 5 mg/day. Read the instructions carefully: the drug has contraindications (a previous stroke or myocardial infarction, genetic diseases of the retina, kidney pathology).
Don't fret about it though. Men with a history of the above pathologies canpotency restoration with an alternative drug based on affinity-purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The main advantage of the drug is its absolute safety. The tool can be used by men who suffer from coronary heart disease, who have suffered a stroke, as well as those who are treated with nitrates. Thanks to the drug, approximately 80% of elderly men completely restore erectile function. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the age and type of existing pathologies.
But despite the fact that this method of restoring power is safe, widely available and very effective, it has a rather serious drawback: the emergence of psychological dependence. The fact is that a man, having already completely removed the problem, continues to take drugs because of the pleasant sensations that arise.
If all the tried methods have not led to the desired result, the only way out is to perform the operation. Thanks to the surgical intervention, blood circulation in the genital area improves, the penis fills with blood faster and becomes erect.
Folk way to restore strength in men after 60 years
You can also increase potency with the help of natural remedies:
- Tinctures, teas and decoctions based on ginseng root have a positive effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Such funds are indicated for elderly men with erectile dysfunction that has appeared against the background of hormonal disruptions, as well as emotional and physical exhaustion.
- Pumpkin seeds have a healing effect and have a beneficial effect on men's health. This natural component helps to increase immunity, improve health in case of pathologies of the genitourinary system and reduce the symptoms of prostate adenoma. In addition, pumpkin seeds are an excellent preventive measure for prostatitis.
- Aphrodisiacs. These natural ingredients can significantly improve your sex life. Aphrodisiacs increase libido, positively affect the quality and duration of sexual intercourse, improve sexual sensations and normalize blood circulation in the genitals.
- Flower pollen is able to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and restore male power.
- Canton tincture has a beneficial effect on a man's erectile function, as well as on the state of his nervous system. Restoration of power is ensured by increasing sexual desire and improving the psychological state.

The health of an elderly person, including sexual health, depends on many factors, among which the most important are considered:
- absence of diseases;
- proper nutrition;
- maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
However, this is extremely rare, so experts are constantly working on creating new methods for solving problems related to erectile dysfunction in men after 60 years.